Tomb Raider
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Tomb Raider sleduje strhující a drsný příběh Lary Croftové a její postupný přerod z mladé ženy v zoceleného dobrodruha. Lara ozbrojená jen svými instinkty a schopností posouvat hranice lidské výdrže se musí pustit do boje, aby odhalila temnou historii zapomenutého ostrova a unikla z jeho nemilosrdného sevření. Stáhněte si upoutávku Turning Point, v níž uvidíte začátek Lařina výpravného dobrodružství.
Systémové požadavky - Windows
- OS:Windows XP Service Pack 3, Windows Vista,7,8 (32bit/64bit)
- Processor:Dual core CPU: AMD Athlon64 X2 2.1 Ghz (4050+), Intel Core2 Duo 1.86 Ghz (E6300)
- Memory:1GB Memory (2GB on Vista)
- Graphics:DirectX 9 graphics card with 512Mb Video RAM: AMD Radeon HD 2600 XT, nVidia 8600
- DirectX®:9.0c
- Hard Drive:12 GB HD space
- Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection
- OS:Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8
- Processor:Quad core CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 955, Intel Core i5-750
- Memory:4 GB RAM
- Graphics:DirectX 11 graphics card with 1GB Video RAM: AMD Radeon HD 5870, nVidia GTX 480
- DirectX®:11
- Hard Drive:12 GB HD space
- Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection
Systémové požadavky - macOS
- OS:macOS 10.14
- Processor:1.1 GHZ Intel Core M or greater
- Memory:4GB
- Graphics:512Mb Nvidia 640M, 2GB AMD M290, 1.5GB Intel HD 4000 or greater
- Hard Drive:14GB
- * All 13” MacBook Pros released since Mid 2012
- * All 12” MacBooks released since Early 2016
- * All 15” MacBook Pros released since Mid 2012
- * All Mac minis released since Late 2012
- * All 21.5” iMacs released since Late 2012
- * All 27” iMacs released since Late 2012
- * All 27″ iMac Pros released since Late 2017
- * All Mac Pros released since Late 2013
- * All 12” MacBooks released since Early 2015
The game is officially supported on the following Macs. To check your Mac model and when it was released, select About This Mac from the Apple menu on your menu bar.
The following Macs are capable of running the game but do not consistently meet the standards required for official support.
Please note for your computer to meet the minimum requirements it must match or better all elements of the listed spec. For more detailed specifications check the Feral website.
Pre 10.14 Users: Players using a version of OS X before 10.14 can access a compatible version of the game via the Beta tab in the game’s properties window. Select the ‘mac_1.0_32bit_only‘ branch for a version that is compatible with 10.9.1 up to 10.13.6.
Pouze přihlášení uživatelé, kteří zakoupili tento produkt, mohou přidat hodnocení.